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Nitrofuran 4-in-1 Rapid Test

  • Date Listed:2015-08-06 15:50:07
    4F, 6th Building, Huoshui Industry Park, 95 Binwen Road, Binjiang District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
    Company:Nankai Biotech Co., Ltd.

    Nitrofuran 4-in-1Rapid Test Kit The Nankai Biotech Nitrofurans Metabolite Residue Rapid Test Strip is used to qualitatively or quantitatively detect Nitrofurans Metabolite (AOZ+AMOZ+SEM+AHD) in seafood and fish, honey, meat, milk and feed. SmarKIT Rapid Tests Advantages: 1. 3-5 min for results 2. Sensitivities respond to EU and US FDA norms 3. Single test for every target sample 4. No professionals and no equipment required. 5. Eyes interpretation or quantitative measurement, suitable for lab and field use 6. Stable when stored at room temperature 7. Safe: non-toxic and harmless

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